Magento 2 - Elasticsearch 8 _id indices in Warden

This post explains how to set custom Elasticsearch configuration within Warden to fix the Fielddata access on the _id field is disallowed error with Elasticsearch 8. This is a follow on from a earlier post explaining common ES8 configuration issues with Magento. The error was are going to fix related to ES8 changing the default values for _id fielddata Fielddata access on the _id field is disallowed, you can re-enable it by updating the dynamic cluster setting: indices....

April 24, 2024 · 1 min · 130 words · Me

Local Wordpress Bedrock Development using Warden

The last few years i recently migrated to using Roots Bedrock to bootstrap new wordpress developments. It provides a host of extra features that makes wordpress half decent to work with, such as Composer support, ENV variables, ENV specific config, better directory structure etc. I suggest checking it out if you haven’t already. Anyway, since I mostly focus on Magento development. My goto local dev environment is Warden which does support standard Wordpress out the box, along with a few other PHP frameworks....

March 26, 2024 · 2 min · 254 words · Me